Feline Vaccine Services

Every cat, whether a curious outdoor explorer or a sleeping indoor companion, deserves the best protection. Our tailored vaccination services protect your feline from diseases, prevent illness spread to other pets, and can save on future vet bills and costly treatments down the road while helping to ensure your pet continues to life their fullest life!

Kitten Vaccines

Welcoming a new kitten into your home is an exciting adventure, and one of the best ways to help them grow into thriving healthy cat is by starting them on the right track with vaccinations. While cats are often more self-sufficient than dogs, kittens are particularly vulnerable to infections and diseases due to their immature immune systems. Starting when they’re just 6 to 8 weeks old, with boosters every 3 to 4 weeks until they’re about 16 weeks, this series offers crucial protection against serious diseases like feline distemper (panleukopenia), feline calicivirus, and feline herpesvirus. 

  • Why is it important to vaccinate kittens?

    Vaccinating kittens is essential because their young immune systems aren't fully developed, leaving them especially vulnerable to a variety of serious and potentially life-threatening diseases like feline distemper (panleukopenia), feline calicivirus, and feline herpesvirus. Early vaccinations "train" their immune systems to fight off these threats, but there’s a bit of a catch. Just like puppies, kittens receive valuable protective antibodies from their mothers while nursing. These maternal antibodies are crucial for early protection but can interfere with the effectiveness of vaccines, preventing them from providing full immunity. This is why we start vaccinations as early as 6 weeks old, particularly if their nursing history is unknown, to ensure they're protected as the maternal antibodies naturally fade. If you’re unsure, chat with your vet to come up with the best plan for your pet!

  • RABIES - Each Series Vaccine $36


    Rabies is a deadly viral disease that targets the brain and nervous system, spreading through the saliva of infected animals via bites or scratches. It leads to severe neurological symptoms and is almost always fatal once symptoms appear. In Sonoma County, rabies vaccination is required for all cats, just like dogs and the vaccine must be administered by a California-licensed veterinarian. 

    Our feline rabies vaccination series consists of two shots: the first at 4 months old and a booster at one year. After the initial series, a booster is required every year to keep your cat protected.

  • FVRCP - Each Vaccine $34


    FVRCP is a core vaccine for kittens, guarding against three serious viral diseases: feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR), feline calicivirus (FCV), and feline panleukopenia (FPV). These infections can lead to severe respiratory, gastrointestinal, and systemic issues, and can be especially dangerous for kittens.

    We start the vaccine series at 6 to 8 weeks of age, with boosters given every 3 to 4 weeks until your kitten is about 16 weeks old. After the initial series, it is boostered every three years to maintain immunity and ensure your cat stays protected as they grow.

  • LEUKEMIA - Each Vaccine $34


    The feline leukemia virus (FeLV), a contagious and incurable disease that weakens a cat's immune system, leaving them vulnerable to other infections and illnesses. FeLV is spread through close contact with infected cats, such as grooming, sharing food or water bowls, or a mother cat passing it to her kittens. We consider the vaccine a lifestyle vaccine rather than a core vaccine because most indoor cats won’t need it unless requested by the owner. However, it is crucial for outdoor cats or those in multi-cat households where the risk of exposure is higher. Before administering the vaccine, we recommend performing a FeLV/FIV test to ensure your cat is not already infected.

    The vaccine series typically starts at 8 to 12 weeks of age, with a booster 3 to 4 weeks later. After the initial series, it’s important to maintain protection with an annual booster. 

Core Vaccines

Core vaccines are essential for every cat, protecting them from severe and contagious diseases like feline panleukopenia (distemper), feline herpesvirus, feline calicivirus, and rabies. By vaccinating your cat, you are not only promoting their health but also contributing to the overall well-being of the feline community as a responsible pet owner.

  • RABIES - Annual Vaccine $36


    The feline rabies vaccine is essential for every cat, whether they live indoors or outdoors. Rabies is a deadly virus that attacks the brain and nervous system, and it spreads through the bite or scratch of an infected animal and while you may keep your cat indoors, that doesn’t guarantee they won’t ever escape or that wildlife won't find its way into your home. That’s why the rabies vaccine is one of our core recommendations—and it’s required by law here in Sonoma County. 

    Administered by a California-licensed veterinarian, the rabies vaccine series starts with a shot at 4 months old, followed by annual boosters to keep your cat protected for life.

  • FVRCP - 3 Year Vaccine $34


    The FVRCP vaccine is essential for protecting cats from three serious diseases: Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR), Feline Calicivirus (FCV), and Feline Panleukopenia (FPV). 

    • Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR): Caused by the feline herpesvirus, FVR leads to upper respiratory infections with symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, and sometimes fever. 
    • Feline Calicivirus (FCV): This virus also causes respiratory issues and can lead to mouth ulcers and lameness. Cats might exhibit symptoms like coughing, a sore throat, and a loss of appetite.
    • Feline Panleukopenia (FPV): Commonly known as feline distemper, FPV is a severe viral illness that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and a drop in white blood cells. This can make infected cats more susceptible to secondary infections.

    These diseases spread through direct contact with an infected cat or contaminated surfaces and objects. Since they are highly contagious, the vaccine is crucial for protecting your cat's health and preventing outbreaks in multi-cat households or communities.

    The vaccines series starts at around 6-8 weeks old, with boosters every 3-4 weeks until the kitten is about 16 weeks old.After the initial series and the one-year booster, it's administered as a core vaccine every three years to ensure ongoing protection.

Lifestyle Vaccine

Lifestyle vaccines provide targeted protection based on your cat’s environment and activities. Unlike core vaccines, which are essential for all cats, lifestyle vaccines address specific risks.  Vaccinating your outdoor cat not only protects them but also helps reduce disease transmission to other felines.

  • LEUKEMIA - Annual Vaccine $34


    The feline leukemia vaccine is a lifestyle vaccine designed to protect cats from feline leukemia virus (FeLV), a serious and incurable disease that affects the immune system and can lead to various health issues, including anemia, cancer, and infections. FeLV is highly contagious and primarily spread through close contact, so it's especially important for outdoor cats or those in multi-cat households. While not considered a core vaccine, it’s vital for those cats exposed to higher risks. 

    We recommend a FeLV/FIV test before vaccination to ensure it's safe and that they aren’t already infected. After the initial vaccine series it is an annual booster.

The Recommended Vaccine Schedule

The Recommended Vaccine Schedule

Our veterinarians recommended vaccine schedule is as follows:

6-8 Weeks:


Non- Core:

10-13 Weeks: 


Non- Core: FeLV/FIV Test, Leukemia

16+ Weeks:

Core: FVRCP, Rabies

Non- Core: Leukemia

Every 1-3 Years:

Core: FVRCP, Rabies

Non- Core: Leukemia

Senior Cats

Senior cats and might not need the same vaccines as they continue to age, due to reduced risk and changes in their immune systems. Ask your vet what they recommend for your pet!


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